"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god then you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
~Stephen Roberts

Saturday, December 28, 2013

          My "Short" Life Story     

       Being raised in a strictly Christian home, I was always taught the same things, God is the one and only God, Jesus is his son, yadda yadda. I was also a PK (pastor/preacher's kid), so of course all and any doubts were quickly answered vaguely or told not to question/doubt god. Now being very thoughtful, a well-read bookworm, and a very all around bright person, I soon became one of the young "biblical scholars", and much was expected of me. But don't get me wrong, looking past this stupidity of it all, I truly loved the people of the church, they became family to me, and I being a regular, am well known.

      I hope you all know the meaning of indoctrination ( to teach (someone) to fully accept the ideas, opinions, and beliefs of a particular group and to not consider other ideas, opinions, and beliefs), which is basically what all churches do to kids like me who are brainwashed from a very young age. Not to get into all the specifics of it but I find it repulsive to willingly scare kids into believing in Hell, that they will always sin, and that they are broken and need to be fixed. 

       Being Christian, my family believes that homosexuality is a sin that leads to hell, and that abortion is horrible. I have gone through a time when I was disgusted of myself because I was simply confused and I had been taught that I would go to hell for those thoughts if I didn't repent, and I just marvel and my narrow-mindedness. And now that I'm able to look back on those teachings, I wonder how I was able to believe such things.
      Also, because I was a PK, I was expected to become an evangelist or a pastor, but I had never had a interest in stuffing god down other peoples  throats, so I was constantly uncomfortable going to the streets to evangelize, or speaking to any group of people. Yet, because "my calling" was drilled into me since birth, I had felt ashamed of myself because I was "too afraid to do god's will."
     Though I had been through church so long, I'm grateful that I was able to see the faults, and was smart enough to sit their and question with reason. Before long, I became disgusted (mind you this didn't take a day) after weeks, or even months of research, and just having a battle with myself, I finally let go of the those fairy tales.
Ahh yes, the beauty of ignorance and naivety.
      Some of those questions include as such:
-Why does God let Satan and his demons, roam  around Earth to tempt humans, if hell was  designed for him?
-Why is our religion right?
-How do you know is parts of the bible weren't  "inspired by God", but Satan had "inspired men"  to confuse us?
-For that matter, the bible has been rewritten,  changed, edited, altered to fit the needs of those  in power, how to you know if it's credible?
-Why does he create those who will be sent to  hell?
-Does prayer work?
-Heaven seems like a really boring place, and why  does God want us to worship him all the time?

      Most of my questions were just waved off as stupid(like duh, you should know this), got a very cryptic answer, or they would answer "I just don't know", "You should ask God, when you get to heaven!", or "The bible talks about doubters Son." I realized that they truly just didn't know the answers to this easily questionable religion. On my own I figured out that it would make a lot more sense that this book was written by man to explain things they didn't know, just like every other religion and their myths.

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